Two Hearts - One Beat
“The two will become one flesh.” – Mark 10:8
Our History
In August of 2006, The Presbyterian Church and the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) came together as one church family. Our first board meeting as a new family was held on August 13, 2006.
On August 7th , 2016, we celebrated ten wonderful years as one faith community.
We maintain a dual affiliation with The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and The Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). We are active participants of the larger denominational bodies of both.
Our Vision Statement
First Christian Presbyterian Church seeks to grown in faith in Jesus Christ, share that faith with others, and serve people in need with Christian Compassion.
Our Mission Statement
First Christian Presbyterian Church of Pryor is an open and inclusive community of faith that welcomes all people fully. As committed disciples we seek to answer that call of God through faithful action and through service to the community and the world.