Ministries of FCPC
We have a variety of ministries here at First Christian Presbyterian Church. The Meal is what we are known for here at FCPC, but its certainly not the only one.
Sew Much Love
Sew Much Love is a quilting group that meets every Friday. Started in 2006, we are Chapter 607 of the Prayers and Squares Quilting Guild. We make prayer quilts for individuals that are ill and hospitalized. Each quilt is created with prayer and love, and when there is a quilt that is finished and ready to be sent out. Sew Much Love places a quilt in the Narthex for members of the congregation to tie a knot in the quilt and say a prayer for that individual or family. The final prayer is said over the quilt by the minister during our Pastoral Prayer as the final knot is tied. The quilt is sent with the family of the individual, along with the church’s thoughts and prayers for recovery.
Prayer Group
Our Prayer Group meets every Monday at 11:30 a.m. in the Prayer Chapel. They pray for any requests made during services on Sunday, as well as any requests made over the phone or through email during the past week. The Prayer Group is not limited to in person meetings, as prayer requests are sent out to the congregation via email on a weekly basis, and as requests are made.
If you have a request, you may contact the church office at office@fcpcpryor.org
Cross Wall
Our cross wall located in the main Narthex grows as people continue to bring crosses of various sizes and designs. If you have not seen it you need to come and enjoy its splendor. Many of the crosses are dedicated in honor or in memory of loved ones, and serve as a reminder of the love of our community.
One larger cross made up of small individual crosses adorns the back side of the cross wall in our dining room.
Community Outreach
We value our local community and do what we can to show love and compassion. Every new school year, we do school supply drives for teachers and children, because we understand that school supplies can be expensive.
Christmas Trees
We also provide select families within our church family with Thanksgiving baskets every November, and in December we give a limited number of Christmas Trees and decorations to those who do not have one. We also offer a Christmas Giving Tree.
The Meal
Every Thursday we serve a meal to our community. The Meal on Thursday’s if free to the public. We offer snack packs for children and home cooked meals, prepared by our community and serve from 4:30 PM until 6:00 PM or when we run out of food. We started, The Meal on Thursday’s in 2009 and have been serving our community for the past 14 years. This has become an ecumenical community event, with the help of St. Martins Episcopal Church, Cedar Crest, and The Eden Mennonite Church who hosts a meal at least once every 2 months.
Mayes County Blue Star Moms
We support our troops! By gathering items requested by the Mayes County Chapter of Blue Star Moms. We help to gather items needed which are then distributed every month to our 141 deployed men and women who serve in various branches of our nations Armed Forces. Lists of items needed each month can be found in our Narthex or listed in our monthly newsletter.
Impact Oklahoma and Kingdom Kloset.
We also collect donations for Impact Oklahoma’s Kingdom Kloset. Kingdom Kloset assists those in need, especially our homeless men, women and children. Kingdom Kloset is located at 315 N. Adair inside the First Assembly of God Church. Kingdom Kloset provides both a Warming/Cooling station during the day, free clothing, basic hygiene and household items, and have a small food pantry with ready to eat and non-perishable meals. Lunch is served daily and they provide a free shower and self-serve washer and dryer.
Our Annual Rummage Sale
Going on now annuallly for over sixty years! We started in 1960 and hold this sale generally the first weekend in October. We have our youth center gym packed with items donated to us by generous members of the community and we sale these items at reasonable, affordable prices. Our dedicated team work tirelessly all year on preparing for this annual sale. Proceeds go to various causes.
For more information about our ministries, please email us!