First Christian Presbyterian Church is an open and inclusive community of faith that welcomes all people fully. As committed disciples we seek to answer the call of God through faithful action and through service to the community and the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you've never visited our church, you may have some questions. If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Where are you located?
First Christian Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of NE First St. and Vann St. right behind the Mayes County Courthouse in Pryor, Oklahoma. Click the button below for a map to our location.
When is church on Sunday?
We gather for worship as a church family each Sunday, at 10:45 am
Do you have a “Sunday School?”
Yes! Classes start at 9:30 am every Sunday, and we offer classes for all ages. At 10:00 am, we have a time of Coffee and Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall, though coffee and fellowship is available at 9:00 am! (We take our coffee seriously.)
Do you offer Online Worship?
Yes! We have online worship, on our Youtube channel. Worship with us live at 10:45 a.m. Central time or later at your convenience, by clicking on the button below. Subscribe Now!
What is worship like?
Our service is fairly traditional in format, but casual in style. We provide a printed bulletin so that you may follow along with our services, though you may utilize the screens if you wish! All of the reading responses and prayers are printed in the bulletins or on the screens. We offer communion every Sunday, and all are welcome to participate.
Will there be music?
Of course! We use the PCUSA Glory to God hymnal, though on occasion we may use hymns from other hymnals. All the hymns will be posted on the screens, and you may follow them if you wish. Our music is led by our talented choir director and accompanied by our pianist on a digital piano. Occasionally, we will be treated to special music with a soloist, duet or the choir!
What should I wear?
Come as you are, you are welcome in our church. We want you to be comfortable in worship. You will see people dressed in their “Sunday best” and people in jeans and a t-shirt. Seriously, come as you are!
What about my children?
Please bring them!
For our youngest worshipers we offer a Nursery for Infants - Pre-K, but you are also welcome to bring them with you into the sanctuary. We have a “Pray Ground” at the back of the sanctuary to create a welcoming, stress free worshiping atmosphere for families, so you can worship with your children.
For School age children we offer children’s bulletins that are available at the entrance of the Sanctuary. During worship, we have a special time set aside just for them, which we refer to as “Time with Children.”
After this, we also offer Children’s Church. This is a time in which the children go upstairs with a few adults to learn about the same text the Pastor is preaching in ways that engage them and help their faith to grow.
Just as with the little ones, they are welcome to participate as much or as little as they want, or they are welcome to join you for the whole worship service.
What if I still have questions?
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact the church with your comments or questions. You can email us at office@fcpcpryor.org. We want to welcome you and provide a warm, relaxed place to worship.